The Nile Research Center

Determined to Discover

The Nile Research Center is determined to research key aspects of the Nyabarongo river and the Nile. Rwanda and the region of the larger lakes is gaining increased levels of interest, both from the public and the private sectors. Understanding the climate, pollution and inhabitants of the river is crucial in developing this region. 

Mission objectives

The Research Center aims to generate knowledge on the interaction between the river Nile and its inhabitants. A thorough and interdisciplinary research objective is required. There are a lot of opportunities for collaboration with local and global institutions. Four main topics for research are distinguished.

"The need for local and sustainable research is acknowledged by both international and Rwandese Universities."
Lode Van pee

The Nile Research Center will provide infrastructure for both research on site as well as support research from other institutions – providing measurements and local support.

The Nile Institute is equipped with a pontoon, providing easy access to boats sailing the river.